How to Do Cable Chest Press?

Would you like to develop a strong chest while also targeting your shoulders and triceps? The Cable Chest Press might be the answer. This exercise incorporates cable resistance to enhance your chest workout.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps for performing the Cable Chest Press, helping you get the most out of it and enhance your upper body strength and appearance. Let’s get started!

Muscles Worked in Cable Chest Press

The Cable Chest Press primarily targets your chest muscles, placing the most emphasis on them during the pressing action. Additionally, it engages secondary muscles like the front deltoids and triceps, which assist in controlling the movement as you bring the cable handles together. This exercise effectively enhances and shapes your chest while also involving your shoulders and triceps, providing a well-rounded upper body workout.

How to Do Cable Chest Press

  1. Equipment Setup: Start by attaching a pair of handles to the top position of a cable cross machine, ensuring they are shoulder-width apart and at an appropriate height for your body.

  2. Positioning: Stand facing the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward, maintaining a slight forward lean in your upper body to establish a stable base.

  3. Grip the Handles: Reach out and firmly grasp the handles with both hands, palms facing downward, and elbows bent at a 90-degree angle.

  4. Initiate the Press: Begin the exercise by pushing the handles forward and away from your chest until they meet in front of your body. Exhale as you apply force to bring the handles together.

  5. Controlled Return: Slowly and deliberately allow the handles to return to the starting position, inhaling as you do so. Maintain core engagement and a steady stance throughout the entire range of motion.

  6. Repetition and Tension: Repeat this pressing motion for your desired number of reps, focusing on maintaining continuous tension on your chest muscles. The unique resistance curve of the cable press can help maximize chest engagement and promote muscle growth, making it a valuable addition to your upper body workout routine.

Learn more: Best Exercises for Building Muscle and Strength


Adding the Cable Chest Press to your workout routine can bring significant benefits to your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Thanks to its distinct resistance pattern and emphasis on tension, this exercise is a valuable asset for your upper body workouts.

Remember that consistency and proper form are crucial. Utilize the cable machine to develop a robust, well-defined chest that not only boosts your self-assurance but also improves your overall physique.

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