How to Train Your Tricep?

Are you ready to transform your triceps into a symbol of strength and definition? Look no further! This article presents a focused triceps workout plan that will help you maximize the potential of these important upper arm muscles.

We’ll carefully choose exercises to effectively target each tricep head for overall growth and power. Whether your goal is to improve upper body strength, enhance athletic performance, or feel confident in sleeveless outfits, this workout plan is your ultimate guide.

Get ready to sculpt, shape, and strengthen your triceps like never before!

Triceps Muscle Anatomy

Triceps Muscle Anatomy

The triceps brachii, commonly known as the triceps, is a three-headed muscle group located at the back of the upper arm. Its main job is to straighten the elbow, which is essential for actions like pushing, lifting, and extending the arm. The triceps not only serve a functional purpose but also contribute to the arm’s overall appearance.

The triceps have three distinct heads, each originating from different points and converging to a common tendon that attaches to the upper part of the ulna, the larger forearm bone. These heads are:

  1. Long Head:This head starts from a bony spot below the shoulder joint called the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula. It runs down the back of the arm and is closest to the body’s midline. The long head is unique because it crosses both the elbow and shoulder joints, making it important for movements where the upper arm is lifted overhead.
  2. Lateral Head: Originating from the upper half of the humerus (the upper arm bone), the lateral head is responsible for the noticeable bump on the outer side of a well-developed arm. It significantly contributes to the overall size and definition of the triceps.
  3. Medial Head:The medial head also starts from the humerus, but it’s located underneath the other two heads. It supports elbow extension and plays a crucial role in the overall function and appearance of the triceps. While smaller than the other two heads, it’s essential for balanced muscle development.

All three triceps heads come together to attach to the olecranon process, a bony protrusion at the upper end of the ulna. This common attachment point allows the triceps to work together to extend the elbow, generating the force needed for actions like pushing a door, lifting weights, or doing push-ups.

Understanding the triceps’ anatomy is vital for selecting effective exercises and targeting specific heads of the muscle during workouts. Depending on the exercise and arm position, different triceps heads can be emphasized. Structuring workouts correctly ensures balanced growth and strength development across all three heads.

4 Tricep Exercises for Building Your Triceps

Many fitness enthusiasts aim to build strong and defined triceps because these muscles are crucial for upper body strength and appearance. The triceps, found on the back of the upper arm, have three parts: the long head, lateral head, and medial head.

To ensure optimal tricep growth, it’s important to include a range of exercises that effectively target each head. Here are four top exercises for developing impressive triceps:

1. Close-Grip Bench Press

The close-grip bench press is a compound exercise that works the triceps, chest, and shoulders. What makes it special is the narrower grip, which puts more focus on the triceps. Here’s how to do it: lie on a flat bench and hold the barbell with a grip slightly narrower than shoulder-width. Lower the barbell to your chest while keeping your elbows close to your body. Push the barbell back up to the starting position, concentrating on extending your elbows.

Benefits: The close-grip bench press mainly targets the lateral head of the triceps. Studies show that it can lead to significant growth in the lateral tricep head. This exercise not only boosts tricep size but also enhances overall upper body strength because it’s a compound movement.

Learn more: How to Do Close-Grip Bench Press

2. Barbell Lying Triceps Extension (Skull Crushers)

The barbell lying triceps extension, often called skull crushers, is an isolation exercise that zeroes in on the triceps. Here’s how to do it: Lie on a bench with a barbell held over your head. Bend your elbows to lower the barbell, bringing it close to your forehead without touching it. Then, extend your elbows to lift the barbell back up to the starting position.

Benefits: This exercise effectively targets the long head of the triceps. By having your upper arms in an overhead position, it stretches and works the long head throughout the movement. Skull crushers isolate the triceps, ensuring focused muscle engagement and growth.

3. Overhead Cable Triceps Extension

The overhead cable triceps extension is another exercise that focuses on the long head of the triceps. Here’s how to do it: Attach a rope handle to a cable machine, stand with your back to the machine, and hold the rope with both hands above your head. Extend your elbows while keeping your upper arms close to your head. Then, slowly return to the starting position.

Benefits: This exercise targets the long head of the triceps from a unique angle, especially the part near the elbow. It provides an effective stretch at the top of the movement, which can lead to targeted muscle growth in the long head of the triceps.

4. Tricep Pushdown

The tricep pushdown is a popular exercise that targets the lateral and medial heads of the triceps. Here’s how to do it: Attach a straight bar or rope handle to a high pulley cable machine. Stand facing the machine, hold the bar or rope, and keep your elbows close to your sides. Push the bar or rope downward by straightening your elbows, and control the movement on the way up.

Benefits: Tricep pushdowns work both the lateral and medial tricep heads. This exercise allows you to focus on the triceps at a shorter muscle length, promoting balanced growth. It’s versatile and can be customized by changing your grip or adjusting the angle.

Learn more: Best Exercises for Building Muscle and Strength

Triceps Workout Plan

Creating a successful triceps workout plan requires a smart mix of exercises that focus on all three tricep heads: the long head, lateral head, and medial head. By including various movements that highlight different muscle lengths and angles, you can enhance your tricep development for both strength and appearance.

Here’s a complete triceps workout plan to help you make significant progress:


Begin your triceps workout with a short warm-up to boost blood flow to your muscles and lower the chance of injury. Do 5-10 minutes of light cardio, like jogging, cycling, or jumping jacks. After that, do dynamic stretches that target your arms, shoulders, and chest.

Exercise 1: Close-Grip Bench Press

  • Target: Lateral Head
  • Sets: 4
  • Reps: 6-8
  • Rest: 90 seconds

Start with the close-grip bench press. This compound exercise works the lateral head of the triceps and also involves the chest and shoulders. Lie on a flat bench and hold the barbell with your hands a bit closer than shoulder-width apart. Lower the barbell to your chest while keeping your elbows close to your body. Push the barbell back up, fully extending your elbows. Concentrate on controlled movements, and as you advance, gradually increase the weight.

Exercise 2: Barbell Lying Triceps Extension (Skull Crushers)

  • Target: Long Head
  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 8-10
  • Rest: 75 seconds

Next up is the barbell lying triceps extension, often called skull crushers. This isolation exercise is excellent for targeting the long head of the triceps. Lie on a bench and grasp the barbell with an overhand grip. Fully extend your arms overhead. Lower the barbell toward your forehead by bending your elbows. Then, extend your arms back up to the starting position. Keep your upper arms still throughout the movement to isolate the triceps.

Exercise 3: Overhead Cable Triceps Extension

  • Target: Long Head
  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 10-12
  • Rest: 60 seconds

Now, let’s switch to the overhead cable triceps extension, which is another isolation exercise that targets the long head of the triceps from a different angle. Follow these steps:

  1. Attach a rope handle to the high pulley of a cable machine.
  2. Stand facing away from the machine and hold the rope with both hands.
  3. Extend your arms overhead.
  4. Bend your elbows to lower the rope behind your head.
  5. Extend your arms back up, concentrating on the stretch in the triceps.

Exercise 4: Tricep Pushdown

  • Target: Lateral and Medial Heads
  • Sets: 3
  • Reps: 12-15
  • Rest: 45 seconds

Finish your workout with the tricep pushdown, which works both the lateral and medial heads of the triceps. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Attach a straight bar or rope handle to the high pulley of the cable machine.
  2. Stand facing the machine and grip the bar or rope with your palms facing down.
  3. Keep your elbows close to your body as you push the bar or rope downward.
  4. Control the movement on the way up to maintain tension on the triceps.

Cool Down

After finishing the exercises, do a cool-down routine. Do static stretches targeting your triceps, shoulders, and chest muscles. Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds to improve flexibility and assist with muscle recovery.

Workout Frequency 

For the best outcomes, try to do this triceps workout 1-2 times weekly. Make sure to give your triceps at least 48 hours of rest between sessions to allow for proper recovery and muscle development. You can include this workout in your current fitness routine or combine it with other upper body workouts.


As you get more comfortable with these exercises, slowly increase the weight or resistance. Focus on maintaining proper form and gradually challenging yourself. Keep a record of your progress by noting the weights used, repetitions completed, and any changes in muscle strength and size.

Remember that everyone’s fitness levels and goals are different, so it’s crucial to adjust the workout plan to fit your specific needs. If you’re new to strength training, consider seeking guidance from a fitness professional to ensure you’re performing the exercises correctly and safely. With consistent effort and dedication, this triceps workout plan can help you attain strong, well-defined triceps that improve both your functional strength and overall physique.


Add these triceps exercises to your routine and witness the transformation of your arms. By targeting each tricep head with precision, you’ll achieve balanced growth and greater strength. Keep in mind that consistency is vital. Embrace the challenge, monitor your progress, and enjoy the remarkable changes. Strong, well-defined triceps are achievable, boosting your confidence and performance. Your path to tricep excellence starts today.


  1. Landin D, Thompson M, Jackson M. Functions of the triceps brachii in humans: a review. J Clin Med Res. 2018;10(4):290-293. doi:10.14740/jocmr3340w
  2. Park HK, Jung MK, Park E, et al. The effect of warm-ups with stretching on the isokinetic moments of collegiate men. J Exerc Rehabil. 2018;14(1):78-82. doi:10.12965/jer.1835210.605
  3. Krzysztofik M, Wilk M, Wojdała G, Gołaś A. Maximizing muscle hypertrophy: a systematic review of advanced resistance training techniques and methods. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019;16(24):4897. doi:10.3390/ijerph16244897
  4. American Council on Exercise. ACE-sponsored research: Best triceps exercises.

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